To transfer the game progress to another device the old account's progress needs to be saved with Facebook or Apple ID (in the case of ios devices).

I. To save the progress of the old account with one of the above platforms, please follow the instructions below:

1. Open the game on your old device;

2. Go to 'Settings' (⚙️) and log in with Facebook or Apple ID

⚠️ Pick only one!

3. You should see 'Log out of the [platform name] or 'Connected to [platform name]


II. Then, to recall the saved data on the new device:

1. Open the game on your new device;

2. Go to 'Settings' (⚙️) and log in with the platform used on your old device: Facebook or Apple ID;

3. Choose the data with a higher XP number (usually 'On the server' data).