Advertising ID is a unique ID provided by Google Play services for advertising purposes and can be reset by the user. This is a method that can be provided to those who do not see advertisements even though the conditions for advertisement exposure have been met.

Follow our guide to reset your advertising ID!

For Android users

  1. Go to Settings on your Android device.
  2. Tap Privacy > Advertising.
  3. Tap Reset Advertising ID and confirm the changes.

Advertising IDs are reset or deleted, but apps may have their own settings for using other types of identifiers, which may affect the types of ads you see.

For users of some older versions of Android
If your Android device version is 4.4 or lower, follow these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Tap Privacy > Advanced > Advertising.
  3. Turn on Ads personalization opt-out and confirm the changes.

For iOS users

Devices using iOS use Apple's advertising identifier. To learn more about your options regarding use of this identifier, visit the Settings app on your device.